WANTED JOBS 98 v1.15 1. Find that dream job fast Wanted Jobs 98 is an innovative career management tool that takes the time, effort and complexity out of job searching on the Internet. It simultaneously queries the most reputable employment sites on the Web and gives job hunters (read: you) access to over two million jobs throughout North America. No more jumping from one job site to another, painstakingly performing search...after search...after ad-nauseum search. Select a region and job category. Enter one or more keywords and let Wanted Jobs 98 do the rest. Within minutes, you'll get a customized job listing, ranked by relevancy. At the click of a mouse, you can: Sort results to group job offers based on your criteria. Refine your searches to really zero in on your dream job. Annotate and highlight specific offers for future reference. Translate job descriptions from English into one of five other languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, German or Italian. Browse search summaries offline-without sapping precious connection time. Update past searches to eliminate expired offers and grab new opportunities. Send must-see job offers to your family, friends and even colleagues with Wanted Jobs 98's send-to-a-friend feature. And with its user-friendly interface, Wanted Jobs 98 is as easy to use as your Web browser but offers the performance and quick response that only a stand-alone application can provide. Wanted Jobs 98 even updates itself every time you use it. Rest assured: if there is a worthy job site out there, Wanted Jobs 98 is searching it. 2. Run the Installation Program Close all open applications. Find the downloaded file on your hard disk. Double-click on the file to start the installation process Start Wanted Jobs and fill out the registration form Make sure you are online. Fill out the registration form which will start as soon as you start Wanted Jobs 98 for the first time. This registration process confirms that you are a Wanted Jobs 98 user. Now you can start your hunt for a better job! 3. Guess what? It's FREE! Wanted Jobs 98 is the ultimate tool to managing your career on the Internet. It's quick. It's easy. It's painless. And best of all...it's FREE! (Gasp!) Yes, you read correctly. Wanted Jobs 98 costs nothing. That's right, zilch. Now, you can have your free ticket to that job you've always wanted, thanks to Wanted Jobs 98. 4. Distribution status : Freely distributable 5. Contact : hq@wantedtech.com (http://www.wantedtech.com)